Monday, December 31, 2007

Ushering the year 2008

What is a new year to you? At times i think it's just another day and other times i think it's a time where we renew our spirits and start over. (At this moment, I feel like the latter ^_^)

Reflecting back on the year 2007, I've grown so much in many aspects of my life - spiritually, mentally. At the beginning of the year, I was preparing myself to live away from home. That was already a major step in my life because I had to decide on a course to take which will determine more or less what I will do for the rest of my life (before retirement). It was quite a drama I'd say - turned down an offer from IMU to do pharmacy because it would be fairly costly and after that not being able to take up pharmacy in Curtin because they wouldn't accept application based on a forecast result. So off I went for Medical Science, a 3 year Bachelor of Science course in Curtin. I'm quite happy with that decision ^_^

Coming to Perth is already a whole blessing - a life changing event. This is where I actually learned to cook, wash my own clothes, buy my own groceries, find my own way round Perth and even got myself my first real job! But the most significant event ever this year is when I accepted Christ. Just to learn that there this...well, friend that loves us so much, gave His life for us so that we would have eternal life...basically showing us that there is GRACE in this world. Sometimes i forget about this grace as we are constantly bombarded with so much negativity - stress, sadness/depression, violence, cruelty, doubt, selfishness - but thank God that I'm surrounded by loving people and I'm so thankful that I'm blessed with a cheerful personality. I finally learn the true meaning of "if you just believe, anything can happen". Nothing goes as planned, though. I'm still learning to trust wholely in His plans for me instead of my plans for myself. The learning never ends and I'm taking it a step at a REALLY a step at a time...slow, slow steps.

After reflecting, the bad things that happened, i learn from it. The regrets that i may have had, i throw away that feeling but take away the lessons. All these I will keep in mind for the year to come. Life's a roller coaster ride. Enjoy the ride!

New year resolutions??? hmm...thinking about it and it's private and confidnetial =P

But I pray that this year to come would be a great year. A year full of new experiences and a year where we are a step closer to learn or fulfill our purpose here on earth.

sounds deep eh? sorry ah...i did say that I feel renewed in spirit =P

Happy new year!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

tanah tumpah darah

On the way back from Perth, the aeroplane flight was terrible. well, not exactly but i would usually be able to sleep while travelling but i couldn't! the seats were like the cinema seats in Perth! so upright and neck was always strained and i could only take about 10 minutes of sleep before i could start feeling the ache in my neck =S when we got off at about 7am (Malaysian time) - by the way, our flight got delayed for about half an hour - we took breakfast! croissant and latte...i wanted hot chocolate though.

after that, we hopped on the bus at 9 am and travelled for another 3.5-4 hours from KLIA to Ipoh. The contrast compared to the aeroplane! the seats were much more comfier, bigger and basically comfier ^^ I took this opportunity to SLEEP!!!! i slept from the time before the bus started moving till we got off the highway to enter Ipoh. I really needed the sleep, man...

anyways, as we were entering Ipoh but still on the highway, i couldn't recognise the place! all the usual landmarks i used to see on the highway were sort of weird. but then, it could be because i was drowsy. lol!

I reached home in time to eat lunch! boy, i do miss homecooked food ^^ we talked alot...and i think the house got noisier just like that. meriahnya...oh sister and i started to realise the little creatures in the house that we seldom see in australia, i.e. lizard, ants - red ants in particular, mosquitoes.

after that, hang around the house a lil...visited the fridge and the cupboards to get back to my usual habit of looking for food/something to munch. then, on the white board i saw, " collect YH's STPM cert". oooo...i've got a certificate to collect from school! cool! besides, i've to renew my driving license and my brother also needed to collect his SPM certificate. so, off we (my bro and i) went! took us about 1 hour. by the time i got home, i felt really tired. please excuse me la...i did afterall travel the whole night and had only 4 hours of sleep on the bus.

I went to sleep and woke up 4 hours later =P for dinner!!!! wooppeee!!!! i had my favourite...steamed pomfret! yumm....actually, had it for lunch too.

oh well, the rest of the night was spent online, on the phone, enjoying the home shower, watching tv with family, etc. haha.

the day ended at almost 1am when i felt sleepy again and when i found out i got a mosquito bite! my first mosquito bite in ages!!!! i'm not too sure whether to be happy about it or not =/ the mosquito attack didn't end there! i heard one while i was trying to! annoying!

oh well, that's home ^^ and i'll love it no matter what

p.s.: i've been sneezing...hopefully it won't turn into a full blown hay fever cause that'll suck

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

going back to malaysia's already 4th of December 2007. Firstly, it's almost the end of the year. Secondly, I'm done with my first year studies. Thirdly, I'm going back to malaysia after 9 months staying in Perth, being independent in a foreign country and so far away from home.

I've mixed feelings, to be honest.
I'm happy that I'm going back to Malaysia, my home country. Back to see my parents, back to see my siblings and other relatives, back to good old home cooked food, back to my beloved bed, back to hugging my beloved bolster, back to meet up with former school mates...the nostalgia, man! (I'm not making myself sound old, am I?)
I'm also feeling sad because for the past 9 months, you've also come to love the people here, the place you live which has become home. Basically, I've grown accustom to everything here and it's hard to leave all that for the next 2 months.

Oh well, that's life I suppose. Come to think of it, I can't imagine how some people/families who moves back and forth their whole life without really settling down in one place - nomads. They would have never experienced HOME. Quite sad actually.

By the way, I've got 5 more days till I sing, "I'm leaving, on a jet plane...". So, any requests from Australia? Please be reasonable, k? Afterall, I've got luggage weight limit which is 20kg and I'm occupying 15kgs!!! I don't care! I'm booking that 75% of the allowed weight! One more thing, priority is given to relatives ^^


Monday, December 03, 2007

friday outing

just the past friday, i went out to the city with sue ann and wan cheng. we had lunch and we hung out at a ice-cream(?) parlour called icey ice. oooo.....that was a fun day. had loads of fun just catching up with my 2 friends ^^

first stop!


we ate at some korean restaurant (i didn't really bothered remembering the name, although i should since it turned out to be a nice place =S) I was not fond of korean food at that point of time but that restaurant sort of changed my outlook on korean food. may be because i ate all the wrong food during my previous (and only) visit to a korean restaurant. that's is why, if you've got a bad experience with food ONCE, don't let that stop you from trying it again. overview of what we had...

gorsh...i should have blogged on that day itself. umm...this is the spicy chicken claypot dish (if i'm not mistaken)

and this is the sizzling spicy beef dish. don't ask me for the exact name...i can't remember!

and the final dish...rice cake!! mmmm.........

after that, we took the blue miao miao (CAT: Central Area Transit - it's a free bus service in the city and also in a couple more places; they use colour codes to differentiate the bus route) to Icey Ice in Northbridge. and we bought a.....

doesn't it just look divine???? lol!

ok. that's all for now. and one more thing. don't forget to clean up the puddle of saliva on the desk before you leave the computer!!! kekekekeke...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

my watch

bye bye my ever so faithful watch. it has met it's end of it's life...i don't mean that the battery died. if so, i wouldn't be so sad because for that situation, it can be fixed easily - just change the batteries la...aiyo...

anyways, my watch met it's doom one faithful day after work. if i remember correctly, it was a wednesday evening last week(how thoughtful of my watch to end it's life after the period I need it most). I came home and i took off my watch. then the strap came off. I thought,"oh! it's can be put back". Then, when i tried to fix it, the part where it holds the strap in place just broke off...more like it fell off. Then I thought, "oh man...I can't save it this time. oh no...I can't wear it anymore!"

well, there goes my beloved watch. I've been using the same watch for the past 10+ years!!!! 10 I tell you!!! That same watch...through thick and thin...all through Standard 4 till first year of uni...AND to think that I changed it's strap once and the batteries twice ( if i'm not mistaken) sigh...i'll have to get new one now.

can you see at the bottom right hand it's's like it's left leg got amputated :-(

Surviving without a watch for the past week! booyah! an achievement... waiting to go back to Ipoh to buy one ;-)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Kevin Rudd - mandarin???

Just yesterday Iris was telling me about Kevin Rudd (recently elected Prime Minister of Australia) speaking FLUENT mandarin...notice the emphasis on the word fluent...

Anyway, I was in shock and decided to check it out on youtube since she said that she watched on youtube. guess what?!?!?! IT'S TRUE!!! Wow...from that time onwards, i really felt like an ang mo/banana. Gave me the determination to improve my mandarin. keke...

here...for all of you who don't believe to watch.

p.s.: He was so showing off, don't you think so? kekekeke

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Drum solo


the fellar is like so small yet so hebat! (from a non-drum educated person)

this this!!!! even cuter!!!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Finally...the answers

okies. sorry to the people who actually posted a comment, attempting to answers the australian slangs because I got lazy to count the score. hehe. so, nah! check for yourself. hehehehe.

Garbo, garbologist - municipal garbage collector
Greenie - Environmentalist
Gyno - Gynaecologist
Journo - Journalist
Milko - Milkman
Polly - Politician
Postie - Postman

Freo - Fremantle
Kindie - Kindergarten
Maccas (pron. "mackers") - McDonalds
O.S. - Overseas
Rotto - Rottnest Island
Servo - Petrol station (do you see any connection???? i don't quite see it...=/)
Subi - Subiaco

Arvo - Afternoon
Aussie salute - look at my last post
Barbie - not a barbie doll but a BBQ!!!
Bathers - Swim wear
Bikkie - Breakfast (amazing how they can come up with this, yes??)
Bloke - man, guy...
Chrissie - Christmas (huh???)
Cuppa - cup of coffee
Cactus - dead, not functioning (it sounds like some code name for it)
Docket - receipt/bill
Footy - Australian's a weird game...look it up.
Full - not eat full, full but it's DRUNK!
G'day - good day
Good onya - good on expression when you do something great like you pass your driving test!!! (yup, i just passed mine this morning)
Grog - beer/alcohol/liquor
Holy dooley! - an expression similar to..."Holy cow!"
Hooroo - good bye (I don't know how that became a good bye)
Hoon - in Malaysian terms, Mat Rempit
Lollies - sweets/candy
Mate - Friend
Moolah - money (yippee for my brother!!! he got this right ^^)
Mozzie - Mosquitoes
No worries - expression of forgiveness or reassurance, everything is alright
Nuddy, in the - in the nude
Porky - It can be a pig/pork but it's only related to's "pork lie" which means a lie!
Prezzy - present (i think i used to say that at one point of my
Reckon - in "I think..." = "I reckon..."
Rego - car registration
Salvos - Salvation Army
Stubbie - Bottle of beer
Sheila - woman (i hear this ob British shows, i think)
Snag - sausage!! (again, Aussie slang just leaves my amazed)
Sunnies - Sunglasses
Thongs - cheap rubber backless sandals
Trackies - track suit
True blue - patriotic (i heard of this before...quite often too)
Tucker - food...CAN YOU MAKE THE CONNECTION??????? sigh......
Ta - Thanks A lot...amazing right???
Ute - utility vehicle, pickup truck
Waggin' school - skipping school/playing truant
Whacker, whacka - Idiot; somebody who talks drivel; somebody with whom you have little patience; a dickhead
Woop Woop - invented name for any far-away town (eg, "he lives in Woop Woop")
Wuss - coward
Yonks - long time ago, ages
Yabber - talks a lot/chatter box

one word...


Friday, November 02, 2007


ARGH!!! terrible week!!!!!!!!
I failed in so many things!!!!
failed my driving test
fail 2 papers
failed to abide by the traffic rules
will not mention anymore...too saddening

Gotcha! I can so imagine my parents' eyes opening wide and having the urge to pick up the phone to call me. LOL!

The truth is..................

I only failed my driving test which I took on the 31st Oct morning. Did a few mistakes. The testers here are so much better/fair than the ones in Malaysia or shall I just say Ipoh. Although their strict, you know that there's a standard that must be met to actually get your lisence. It's good! In Ipoh, you can *ahem* bribe the testers to ensure that you will pass. I was told by a friend that her tester actually slept in the car the whole way through her test! By the way, she passed. That's so unfair, hey! But then, good on her cause she actually did well.
My mistakes:-
  1. Did not look back while reversing (quite a lot of marks were deducted as I reversed alot)
  2. Did not look at my blind spot when the lanes were merging (I didn't see/there actually wasn't any marks on the road showing that the lanes were merging)
  3. and I didn't follow instruction - missed a turning (well, more like I didn't understand what the fellar was telling me to do!)

Other than those mistakes, I did well ^^ I failed by one mark...that makes it more frustrating. And it's so painful to the wallet to pay for another test...$71.80. SIGH....

The other thing that is true is that I(more like a group of us) failed to abide by the traffic rules. It happened on a Tuesday night. It was already dark and we (Lawrence-the driver, Da Yong, Derek, Fei, Xin Ying and me) were heading home from a game of badminton. Now, it is illegal to travel in a 5 seater car with 6 people inside. If caught, we could be fined $250. Along the way, we saw light flashing. It was a road block! "Oh no!" we thought. All the cursing starting to come out...just joking...there was no cursing what-so-ever ^^ Lawrence then said, "someone quickly hide!" Then another person blurted out saying to jump out of the car. Now, if you're the kind of person who can think under pressure, you'd know that that is a stupid idea since the police would suspect something. Anyway, one person at the back seat actually opened the door. Names shall not be mentioned but you can go ask the person if you know any of them who actually opened the door. And you know, as you open the door, the car lights on the inside lit. So, there's a possibility that the police/people outside saw the insides of the car...thus, knowing that there are 4 people in the back seat. Boy, was that an adrenaline rush! But all was well, it was just a breath test and Lawrence tried very hard to stick his head out of his window so that the police would not need to peak inside. After everything ended, we all had a good laugh about it. ^^

About failing tests...I didn't fail any one of them. But I did do not as good as I would like to in some of them. Some were really good. Whatever it is the end result that counts ;-)

Ok. that's all for this week. If I remember something else, I'll be sure to blog about it (if it's interesting enough to tell the world. hehe)

till next time!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007



fly fly...

It's spring and all the flora and fauna are "waking up".

Yes, this includes the Musca domestica or commonly known as the house fly.
buzz buzz buzz...not like a bee but like an annoying house fly.

Never in my life have I been annoyed by a fly so much! The flies here are not like the ones back home in Malaysia or shall I say, the tropics. Back home, the flies fly around food or dump sites. Basically, somewhere dirty or yummy. You would still get annoyed by flies but only to a certain extend. Ok, to get my point across, THE FLIES HERE FLY AROUND YOU!!! THEY STAY WITH YOU THROUGH OUT YOUR JOURNEY TO UNI AND THEY'LL STAY AROUND YOUR HEAD! not just landing on your shirt or bug you while eating lunch or something but also while you're walking from one lecture hall to another! THEY STICK TO YOU!!!!! Another point I just thought can feel the fly landing on your skin. Some flies in Malaysia, they're so small/light that you can't feel them...but here, you can. every single one of them.
and they say that there'd be more later in the year and troughout summer =S

This is an Aussie slang regarding flies: -
Aussie salute - brushing away flies with hand

you won't understand how i feel unless you've experienced it here yourself... =( *snif sniff*

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Are you Australian???

TAKE THE TEST IS YOU DARE.....................
Define the following terms and post it on the comments section. I'll give you your score ;-)
  1. Garbo, garbologist
  2. Greenie
  3. Gyno
  4. Journo
  5. Milko
  6. Polly
  7. Postie
  1. Freo
  2. Kindie
  3. Maccas (pron. "mackers")
  4. O.S.
  5. Oz
  6. Rotto
  7. Servo
  8. Subi
  1. Arvo
  2. Aussie salute
  3. Barbie
  4. Bathers
  5. Bikkie
  6. Bloke
  7. Chrissie
  8. Cuppa
  9. Cactus
  10. Docket
  11. Footy
  12. Full
  13. G'day
  14. Good onya
  15. Grog
  16. Holy dooley!
  17. Hooroo
  18. Hoon
  19. Lollies
  20. Mate
  21. Moolah
  22. Mozzie
  23. No worries
  24. Nuddy, in the
  25. Porky
  26. Prezzy
  27. Reckon
  28. Rego
  29. Salvos
  30. Stubbie
  31. Sheila
  32. Snag
  33. Sunnies
  34. Thongs
  35. Trackies
  36. True blue
  37. Tucker
  38. Ta
  39. Ute
  40. Waggin' school
  41. Whacker, whacka
  42. Woop Woop
  43. Wuss
  44. Yonks
  45. Yabber

Okay. There are 60 questions. Grading system:

0-10 : Totally not Australian

10-20 : Good knowledge of the Australian slang

20-30 : Very knowledge of the Australian slang

30-40 : You've lived here for quite awhile (PR)...Go travel!

40-60 : You can be a "citizen" or a slang expert.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


It's already October!!!


almost the end of the year..................

how time flies......................

that was cliché (hmm...)

anyway, october seems to be a month of mixed feelings and i think this feeling of joy mixed with dread would be more extreme further towards the end of the year.

you know why????

I'll tell you anyway. hehehehe...
  1. my brother is turning 19!!! i allowed to announce to the world? keke. and for the first time, i'm can afford to buy a present for him with my own "hard earned money". I shared with my older sister. I'm so excited about the present. I really really hope that he'd love it.

  2. I'M GOING HOME TO MALAYSIA SOON!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!! Something to really look forward to. It's not like I'm super duper homesick (I don't know why exactly I'm not =S) but the thought of bullying my younger sister, hugging my parents, living in the comfort of my own home which i grew up in for 20 years of my life, eating authentic Ipoh/hawker food, seeing old school friends, etc, is COUNTDOWN = 68 DAYS!

  3. the negative part of "October" is that exams are drawing very near. Got loads of tests due, and finals are coming! It's not really a negative feeling though...nothing can beat the dreadful feeling of STPM drawing nearer (glad that's over).

Well, there you have it. October.


Can't wait to sit on the couch at home and just laze about...i miss that couch =(

i miss sleeping on it.

but of course in this picture, i wasn't sleeping ^^

Monday, September 24, 2007

Work work work.....

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Presenting WORK!

I am currently working at 2 places.

My first job offer was at Perth Convention Exhibition Centre and at that time, even though it wasn't really the job that i wanted, i was willing to take any job offer that fall on my lap. If you've been reading my blog, you'd know that i promised to post a picture of myself in my uniform. And therefore, you'll know that this post is very much overdue as well...hehehe.

Me in the staff changing room at the convention centre in my uniform. sorry ah...picture blur cause it's from my phone camera and it's sort of my first time taking a self-picture using my phone.

My second job offer was at Sizzler Restaurant. Well, it's something like Ye Old English but the favourite in the restaurant is their buffet salad bar (which also comes with free flow of desserts...yyuuuummmmmm.......). Sizzler is a really nice place to work cause you'll never be bored! It is so busy that you won't have anytime to go to the loo! but you are allowed...they can't stop you when nature calls...obviously...Besides, it's really close to my house ie. 10 min bicycle ride/less than a 5 min drive. It's the job that I wanted and so I took the offer and ended up working at 2 different places.

Me on my...2nd training shift, i think. picture courtesy of Kimberly Chia. People said that i look smart...chewah...perasan! HAHAHAHA! :-P

Now, this is me in my home bathroom after work...see...the shirt all tucked out, hair falling apart, no apron on...

Yup, that's work.


The most satisfying thing is to see this thing --------->>>


TA-DA!!! My first pay summary!!! muahahahahahaha!!!

looking at the amount of money rolling in. wah....the feeling of earning your own money...quite syok.

OK la. that's all about the moment. I'm sure I've got more interesting stories to tell as I gain more experience ;-)

a trip to the vet museum in murdoch

one fine day long ago...well, about 2 months ago la, the beginning of semester 2. i was in Murdoch with Sue Ann and her new found friend, Wilford just to spend some time with the "freshies"...kekeke... We had lunch and then we went walking round the campus to help Sue Ann with her enrolment stuff. After that, I had some time between all the walking round settling Sue's enrolment stuff and something i had later in the evening i can't remember -- that's for leaving blogging about interesting events to much much later, you forget! -- Wilford then mentioned that he wanted to visit the vet museum. Me, blur as usual didn't know that Murdoch was ssssoooo interesting (having their own vet museum - unlike Curtin). We went and..............the following are a few pictures:-

It's a rat -- quite obviously -- the muscles and skin of the abdominal (stomach) and thoracic (chest) region is cut out to reveal whatever that's on the inside (DUH!)

It's a horse head!!!! -- sectioned to make a series of sections. The purpose of doing that is not to satisfy the psychotic urge of some people to chop an animal for some weird, psychotic scientific experiment but so that vet students can have a real life inside view of a horses head.

Now, as for this 9 series thing (hmm...scientist like serial things eh?), it depicts the growth of a lil feotus of some sister said cat, i said puppy...
They seem to like the horse. Well, this is a quater of a horse head...or was it half...can't remember. sorry people! Anway, this quater/half of a horse head is as complete as it can be ie. skin still intact, tissue, blood vessels and what-not all still intact. Let me just point out one more thing...look at how big the nostrils are, man! *snigger*

OOPS!!! This duck isn't suppose to be in here!!! Got this off from a friend who sent an MMS to me...but ain't this duck handsome/pretty??? HAHAHAHAHA

Okies......that's all for now. All these photos were in my phone. so, now only uploaded everything into my computer and blogging about it. will be putting up the rest may be tomorrow...i am afterall more free (NOT totally free...just MORE free)

p.s.: Curtin has a really nice Human anotomy collection thingy...something like this vet museum just that it's human body parts! Too bad we're not allowed to take in phones -- which have cameras -- to respect the privacy of the people who donated their bodies to science.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

This post may be a wee bit overdue but it's better late than never, eh??? Kekekeke
After reading the title of my post, most of you may be thinking "what a WEE BIT overdue?!?!?!". Well, sorry to burst you bubble, mate...I'm not going mad. The country I live in now, Australia (for some of you who have forgotten or who are just outdated), celebrates Fathers' Day in September...yes, 3 months after the rest of the world celebrates it. What to do...they want to be special.


This post is dedicated to my Daddy...


My Daddy may not be the perfect dad but he does try ever so hard to be the best and in my eyes, I can never ask for another dad. The thought of asking for another father never crossed my mind.

During cell group last Friday, we were discussing the 5th commandment, that is to honour your father and mother. Well, we discussed what was lacking in our relationship and ways to improve it if there is anything lacking. I shared that my whole family doesn't show much affection and in my father's case, we barely talk...deep stuff. Showing affection in this context means saying "I love you", kissing and hugging each other. So, not much affection and seldom talking to each other sounds like a horrible relationship, eh? I don't think so.

Even though affection is not shown as much, we love each other greatly. My Dad is willing to give me anything (of course if it is beneficial and affordable). Both my parents work really really hard to earn money for all our tuition fees and other needs. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth the stress that they are going through in earning money to give us the best in education, entertainment, recreation, food, etc...yup, that's sacrifice.

Another proof that my Daddy loves me is the time I flew off to Perth...not only me but my older sister as well. My Daddy was willing to take time off from his work to take me visiting relatives and fulfilling my last few request to eat authentic Malaysian cuisine...boy, do i miss it!! yeah, back to my point. As the whole family reached the airport, we were all fine, laughing, making jokes and taking picture. But at the departure gate, *sniff sniff* we all started crying. The funny thing is that my Daddy never cries unless it is family related...this includes this farewell...and when he starts crying, he cries. That's the soft side of my Dad ^^

My Daddy is very funny actually...very sporting. I can never have the guts to be as sporting as him. I remember a time during a dinner and there was a singer. The singer went round among the audiences to find "victims" to dance along with him. Then when the singer went near my father's table, my dad stood up and started to not dance but jiggle! I did feel a tad embarrassed but the feeling of admiration overcome the feeling of embarrassment. To top it up, the joy he showed as he walked back to his seat was priceless...

Whenever my Dad is at home and awake (he's usually either asleep or working), he'll always attempt to entertain us. His jokes won't be hilarious but sufficient to make us laugh or sweet...Proof that he's funny and caring!

Remembering the good old days...When i was about 25kg light, i used to sit on my Daddy's legs and he'll "see-saw me" or I'll sit on his lap and we'll both eat on the table. Now that I'm...('re not getting me to tell you my weight)...heavier, my Dad obviously can't "see-saw" me anymore.

Well, there are other quirks about my Dad and other acts of kindness that I shall not mention that distinguishes MY DADDY from other daddies. My daddy is special in my heart and I love him ^^

ps: ng yan mei, make sure daddy reads this...hehehe...drag mummy to the comp too!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

First day

As some of you might know, I'm now employed by Spotless as an usher/concierge in a place called Perth Convention Exhibition Centre (PCEC). Well, 13/8/07 was my first day of work. It was suppose to be on the 7/8/07 but the people canceled the event and therefore, I don't need to work on that day.

Ok ok...I think I'm going ahead of myself...Let us back track abit. ^_^

This place, PCEC, is a really high class place. well, at least I think it's a high class place. I suppose you can say it's an "events place" (if there's such a term). People hold meetings, ballroom events, stage performances, dinners, weddings, exhibitions, etc. PCEC runs a recruitment drive about 3 times in a year and they hire casuals (almost like part time workers little bit more freedom in terms of work schedule).

I went for the one day recruitment drive, filled out the application form and waited for an interview on the same afternoon. Right after the interview, I was offered the job. How great is that?!?!?! To top things up, I was sort of desperate for a job...wanted to get a job which allows me to work during the winter break (and of course during the semester) because during winter, my working hours per week is unlimited (visa thingy...). This recruitment drive thing was done somewhere towards the end of winter. Now that, my friends, is a miracle =D

Although I didn't start work during the winter break, I'm thankful enought that I got a good paying job ($17 per hour for working weekdays, $20 per hour for working weekends). The only downside is that it's in the city, roughly 40 mins bus ride and I've to work night shifts most of the time because of my uni schedule. But, as I said, I'm thankful enough I got the job.

On to my first day...

I was given a briefing about what I was suppose to do for that night and as the supervisor said, "Clear as mud, eh?" LOL! I was on duty as a concierge that night and did basically reception work. So, I sat there and waited for people to either ask questions or to pick up the phone which I failed quite miserably on the first phone call =S I was pretty much alone the whole time because:-
  1. all the senior workers were off as it was pass normal working hours (was working 5-9pm)
  2. the other people on duty where at a different place
  3. almost all the events for the day were done.

So, yeap...that was pretty much my first day. Learnt a lot of things but didn't do much. But come to think of it, I earn big bucks for just sitting there the whole night.

At the end of my shift, a friend picked me up from work. Now, that was when the drama started. She wasn't very familiar with the place and the same goes to, when she reached the place, she didn't know where to pick me up cause she couldn't find the entrance. The only entrances she saw were the bus entrance to the bus port and also an entrance to the parking lot which she had to pay for if she entered.

I think it took us about 45 mins to finally find each other!! The worse thing was that while talking, my phone died. Can you imagine how freaky that was?!?!?! In the middle of the night, in the city of a foreign country and oh yes, it was starting to drizzle. I feel so sorry to put my friend into such panic =(

But all was well.

A pretty good first day, I'd say ^_^

p.s.: should have taken a photo of me in uniform...sigh...nvm, will be working again this saturday (weekend...yay!) kekekekeke

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

you will never walk alone

Last sunday was Freshie's Welcome...From the name, the event is to welcome freshies. LOL! Anyway, I entered the choir and we all performed a very nice song...meaningful. I'd like to share it with all of you ^_^
Along life's road
There will be sunshine and rain
Roses and thorns, laughter and pain
And 'cross the miles
You will face mountains so steep
Deserts so long and valleys so deep
Sometimes the journey's gentle
Sometimes the cold wind blow
But I want you to remember
I want you to know
You will never walk alone
As long as you have faith
Jesus will be right beside you all the way
You may feel you're far from home
But home is where He is
And he'll be there down every road
You will never walk alone
The path will wind
And you will find wonders and fears
Labors of love and a few falling tears
Across the years
There will be some twists and turns
Mistakes to make and lessons to learn
Sometimes the journey's gentle
Sometimes the cold winds blow
But I want you to remember
Where ever you may go
Jesus knows your joy
Jesus knows your need
He will go the distance with you
never, no never
never, no never

Monday, August 06, 2007

Ultimate Blurness

today was the first day of the second week of second semester uni.

My schedule was as such la:-
8-9 am Introductory to Microbiology lecture
9-12pm Chemistry lab
12-2pm Human Biology lecture

I woke up at 6.30 this morning and boy was it hard to open my eyes! To make things worse, it was raining....cooling....tucked under my the end, i woke up at nearly 7 and i had to catch a 7.30 bus! I left the house at 7.29 am but as i was walking to the bus stop, i saw the bus pass by right in front of my eyes =S oh well, i thought that i'll just catch the next bus which was to arrive 7.45 and it just takes 10 mins to reach uni. but (as the title mentions) as i was blur, i forgot to take into account the traffic jam. SO....the bus was late, arriving at 7.50 AND the traffic was heavy and thus i reached uni by 8.10. was about 15 mins late for class. sigh

This is where i wait at whenever i wanna go to uni

the next blur incident was during chemistry practical. We were doing saponification of ethyl benzoate to produce benzoic acid crystals. One of the procedures is to add 3M of sodium hydroxide into ethyl benzoate. but somehow, i read wrongly and I took 3M sulphuric acid instead of sodium hydroxide. I suppose i just read "3M" and i just assumed that the rest of the wordings was sodium hydroxide. Now, that's a REALLY bad thing to do especially in chemistry as you'll never know whether that mistake can cause an explosion! All in all, I wasted about 1 hour of my partner's and my lab time but we managed to finish the experiment on time. ^^

During Human Bio lecture, there wasn't any blur incidences but it was pretty interesting. The lecturer for the first half of the lecture is a soft-spoken lady (pretty boring too). Anyway, nobody could hear her from the back of the hall and mind you, the hall is big! (can seat a maximum of 600 over people) so, she tried putting the mic louder but that didn't work either. Then, she called a technician but that didn't help either. In the end, we wasted a whole 1 hour(first half of the lecture) waiting for nothing. More than half of the hall left!!! The last half of the lecture went very well with no glitches. hmm.....i just think that the first lecturer was plain soft-spoken. I pity her because it's as if she gets no respect for her soft voice and boring ways.

well, there are other incidences where i was blur but i sort of forgot the exact details. Briefly, i think i misread something again but didn't cause a major set back, just great embarrassment. anyhow, my point is today was not exactly normal and i was pretty blur, making it a pretty eventful day.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Stupid phone...*grr...*

I realised that my phone was acting-up only later in the afternoon today...but it was already too late.
No wonder my phone was awfully quiet.
My phone became "stupid" as of yesterday night, i think. I was suppose to go early to uni to help out at the passion booth (part of orientation) and then go for class at 2. But my sister reminded me that i had to stay at home in the morning to wait for a registered mail from my parents... *whispering* it contains the bank draft for my tuition fees and the fees is due on the 3rd. so very important to wait for the mail. *whispering end*
Anyway, to make a connection, I had to tell my neighbour who was also planning to go early to uni with me that I can't make it anymore. Tried to send a message but it failed. Then i forgot about it. I also tried to check my credit balance which means that I had to access the browser on my phone but that failed too. I was thinking, "may be the line was terrible. will just try another time."
Ok. That's incident 1. Next incident was this afternoon. I went to a nearby shopping centre and I wanted to call my sister. Dialled the number, there was no sound for a long time and suddenly a high pitched tone. I tried calling like 3 times. Then I gave up thinking that she offed her phone because she was working or something and instead, tried messaging her. The message failed to send again. Tried again but to no avail.
Then, I was late for a practical. Usually, my classmate would be messaging or calling me by the time class starts. But.....yup, you've guessed it. No sound from my phone. Then it hit me! My phone has gone 'cuckoo'!!!!!!
To prove my theory, I tried calling my classmate who was with me at that time. She also tried to call me. We both came up with the same ringing tone. Using that friend's phone, i messaged my sister complaining to her and also saying something else more substantial. I was using my friend's credit...hehehe.
In the end, i just had to restart my phone. alamak......the frustration my phone created me to have...And the amazing thing was I received like 8 messages right after I restarted my phone!!! Plus, it was during lecture...luckily my phone was already on silent *phew*. So, imagine buzz...for 8 times!!! paiseh man........
Anyway, glad to have my phone back to normal. Hopefully it doesn't happen again. If it does, hopefully I remember how to deal with it!!!! I feel so dumb...because my phone 'merajuk' before...*blush*

Monday, July 30, 2007


Rain, rain go away,

come again some other day,

Rain, rain go away,

little yan hua wants to play.

It's raining, it's pouring,

and the old man is snoring,

he went to bed and he bumped his head,

and he couldn't get up in the morning.

I'm singing in the rain,

Just singin' in the rain,


(I don't know the lyrics anymore)

yup, I'm going MAD!

It has been raining for the past week everyday without fail! It's so annoying!!!! But how can that be? I came from a country where it rains all the time...actually pours cats and dogs...

I suppose it's because the rain here actually doesn't rain...I mean, it drizzles (but Aussies call it showers) It doesn't just drizzle for a couple of hours and then stop the rest of the day but it drizzles for like 10 minutes and then stops for another 10 minutes and it rains again!

Accompanying the rain is strong winds...i tell you, the umbrella is of no use. seriously. it's better to wear a wind-breaker that comes with a hood (wait, all wind-breaker comes with a hood. what am i talking about!) However, there is a technique in using the umbrella if you insist on using it. Don't open the umbrella fully and point it in the direction against the wind.

I'm looking forward to Friday. Do you know why??? Because it's SUNNY!!!!!! well, at least that's what the weather forecast says...and i trust it very much. Now i can sing:-

The sun will come up,

on Friday,

bet'cha bottom dollar that on Friday,

(I forgot the lyrics again)

Monday, July 09, 2007

bubur craze!

Just last Friday, I went to a friend's house to experiment making Bubur cha-cha. Why? Well, church is organising a Mamak night where (well, the name says it all) mamak food is being sold! I think it's a semesterly thing. Anyway, I was tempted to show off my cooking skill (yea right) by setting up a stall. I invited my friends, namely Jaclyn and Cheah Yen to set it up with me (I can't be doing it all by myself!) We decided to make 'bubur's...Bubur cha-cha, red bean, black glutinous rice, barley ( exciting just thinking about it ^^)

Back to my story.

On Friday, we went grocery shopping. This is our first time making it so, we wanted to test it out before selling it. It's really easy to do actually.


  • Yam

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Rock sugar

  • Coconut (we used cream because they didn't have any other type)

  • Sago

  • Pandan leaf (shredded and tied tightly)


  1. Steam the sweet potatoes first, then the yam as the yam softens faster.

  2. Cut the sweet potatoes and yam into cubes or any other shape you would like it to be.

  3. Boil some water and put in the sago. Remember to constantly stir so that the sago will not stick to each other.

  4. After the sago becomes transparent, put in the coconut cream, sugar and pandan leaf.

  5. Wait till the rock sugar has disolved and then put in the cubed sweet potatoes and yam.

  6. Cook for awhile longer and TA-DA!

After making the bubur cha-cha, Jaclyn and Cheah Yen took it to their cell meeting (hehe...making the cell members the guinea pigs =P) and apparently it was good.

Bangga........ ^^ not bad for first timers.

You know what, i think the secret is in the amount of coconut you put in. Of course not too thick!!! It'll be too jalak!! *bluek*

Too bad I didn't take a picture though but this is what it's suppose to look like...

I'm determined to make one for myself! MUAHAHA! Next experiment would be red bean soup, barley and the black glutinous rice.

ps: any other tips that you can share?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Roller coaster ride

I watched Shrek 3 last tuesday (I wanted to type out "not too long ago" but tuesday is quite a while ago. keke). It was good. the humour is very much intact and the story line is not too bad although sometimes I get the feeling that the writer is running out of ideas.

Anyway, fairy tales are always that
"...and they all lived happy ever after"
Last time, I used to take it literally and thought that they may be someday a "happily ever after" for me. As I grew older, reality sets in and there's no such thing as a perfect ending. Heck, nothing is perfect in this world. It is fun to read story books and watch shows with a happy ending to it but it doesn't turn out that way most of the time.

Ok...I'm beating around the bush. Take the example of The 10th Kingdom.
By the way, I LOVE that show =D
This show does have a happy ending but the lesson that was highlighted at the end, i think, was that we should cherish our short and probably just momentary happy ending. This message was highlight quite clearly as Virginia (the lead actress) said that she found her happily ever after but her peace was soon interrupted BUT that was another story.

We would encounter all sorts of obstacles in life and if we conquer them, we would experience a happy ending. but if we don't conquer them, it just basically means that the story has not ended and your happy ending is yet to come.

Some people may have more happy endings than other people but one thing is for sure, we would surely have ONE happy ending.

I know a few people who are....well....sad....they keep saying how unlucky they are, how miserable they feel, how much stress they are experiencing and what-not. I guess we just need to look for our happy endings amidst all the troubled times we face. Although I don't know exactly how hard is it to do this (I'm grateful for that) but I think that's the only place that we can find happiness.

Life is a roller coaster ride
We will eventually, with experience, feel many many human emotions that exists in the world
there will be happiness, but then hardship comes and happiness again, then hardship
and it goes on and on...never ending till the day we die
where we would find,
eternal happiness
and that,
ladies and gentlemen,
is our
the end

Monday, June 18, 2007

exams part 2 - final part

I'M DONE WITH EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well, at least for this semester. haha.

I shall make this post about exams really short. I don't want to think about it anymore. I want to enjoy my holidays ^^

I just want to say that exams went pretty well. Passing is one thing...which i think i've achieved (not to brag...but if u want to know how well i felt the exams went, this is what you'll have to read) but to get a distinction or high distinction is another thing. keeping my fingers crossed, i'll achieve that D or HD ^^

Did I mention in "exams - part 1" that i felt so relieved after my first paper???
yup, i felt very relaxed after the first paper, human biology. It was as if i've finished my exams. I was THAT relaxed. but still, you can never be too confident. so, i became a good girl and studied...with some play time in between. tee-hee...

The ugly part is that i fell sick!! luckily it wasn't bad. sore throat, cough, cold...

Oh...oh! On friday night, I went out for an early supper. I had my dinner and my sister hasn't but i felt hungry so i followed my sister out for my early supper and her late dinner. LOL. anyway, I wasn't exactly feeling hungry, it was more like having gastric pains and i thought that eating would help. How did i get gastric pains??? it was a dumb move...

On Friday, my paper finished at around 2.30 pm. After that, I thought i'd go to the near by shopping centre to do some job hunting and also accompany a friend of mine to buy some groceries. It took much longer than expected...till 5 pm in fact. I thought i was fine, didn't feel hungry. But when i actually started cycling back home, wow...the pain was coming. I was like die...better reach home fast and eat before it gets worse. Usually it'll be fine after eating...I was in this same situation quite a few times...but nope, the pain didn't go away...

so, the whole point of me telling this is to tell you that this is my first ever full blown gastric pain experience. hehe. lame, i know. but i can't help it. I'm feeling too happy that my exams has ended...officially at 2.55pm on the 18th July 2007. tee-hee...I was very tempted to just answer all the questions and not check and just get out...but can never be too safe. I manage to recheck just before they disallowed anyone to go out of the examination room, that is 15 mins before the end time.

after that, i played badminton with my sister and a friend. hehe...refreshing.

ok...going off topic. will blog about my week sometime later.

That's all for now!
Signing off...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

some long over due photos

Hey, these are a few OLD pictures which i tried to post on friendster blog...BUT due to the fact that it didn't allow me to allign my photos, it wouldn't look nice on the blog, i just didn't post any photos.

new photos should be on the way...but slowly wait la. hehe. i'd have to take some in the first place! keke
The only pictures I have taken in Australia are all pictures taken in April. so, the following are some April photos. haha!

sorry...this picture is blur. anyhow, this is my cell group who went for Easter camp

Now this is my Easter camp group picture =D

This is me on a platform on Frementle beach...I'm suppose to look like I'm going to commit suicide. Apparently not.

Playing some ball game on Frementle beach

My sister and me after her awards ceremony night...hehe...wearing my new trench coat ^^
(By the way, this picture was not taken in April but in May. teehee)

That's all for now. Toodles!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Exams - part 1

I've decided to tell how every exam has gone.

Well, yesterday was my very first major exam uni paper. I think it was the toughest paper of all my 4 other examinable papers...Human Biology. Somehow, I've always failed to score well in Biology. Proof, STPM: I scored a higher grade in my Physics paper then i did for my Biology paper and I was in a Biology class. But anyway, back to Human Biology 133 (the unit/subject is called that way). My paper was supposed to start at 9 am. Arrived in Uni at about 8.40 am and by the time I manage to find the rooms, it was already 8.50. It took me quite a while to get there partly because I bumped into another person who was heading to the same place, doing the same paper and (I don't want to sound evil) she has muscle dystrophy so she can't walk properly...she had to take breaks...quite 'ke lian' also la...she didn't know where was the building and I decided to walk her there. But she was also understanding. When the building was in sight, she said that she'll be able to find her way and I could go off. I think she knew that I was getting anxious...I think she feels the same way too. hehe. In the end, the examiners made us wait even longer outside the exam rooms. So, we started at 9.15 am.

The paper went pretty ok but I would have liked to perform better (obviously). The 'pretty ok' part was meaning that i won't fail and the 'I would have liked to perform better' part was suppose to mean that i left out a few questions and I couldn't recall many things and thus being uncertain of the answers. Oh well, what has passed has passed. I shall now concentrate on the next paper which is Chemistry 123 on Wednesday night...yes, NIGHT...and also Human Biology 133 PRACTICAL the following day.

Oh, another thing I forgot to mention before the Human biology paper...My hands were sweating profusely! hehe. And the interesting part is that i don't think my hands stopped sweating till........i think before i slept. The lesson learnt is that I would have to bring in a handkerchief with me for the next paper otherwise I'll be rubbing my hands against my jeans several times. LOL!

Now to help other people who are also taking exams or just plain stressing out (but specifically for those who are sitting for exams) to DEstress. hehe...Sanji sent me this goes like:-

When you are feeling stressed
and about to break down
just remember
spelt backwards is
So, exams are just a piece of cake!!
Ain't it cute....! hehehehehehe.
well, wish everyone all the best! whether it being examinations or applications into universities or just plain stress from the work place/relationships/everyday life.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A visit to an Aussie home

Today, I went to a friend's Australian Burmese. Her house is cosy =) She's got like a really nice kitchen and living room but the rooms are relatively small. Probably because her room is shared with her sister. They said they're halfway renovating.

I was suppose to be studying there. I DID study but not as much as I'd prefer. If was loads of fun though.

I took a bus from my place to uni and met up with a few other friends from the same area to go to my friend's house (Jasmine) which is like an 45 mins drive away. Then from uni, we took the same bus to a bus station near Jasmine's house. It took us 45 mins to get to the bus stop and then she and her Dad picked us up. When we reached her house, we started studying except for Jasmine who was occupied settling her own place. Ironic, but yea...hehe.

Not too long after, it was lunch time! Her Mom cooked such lovely food. They said it was Burmese food but it seemed so much like home cooked food *sniff*. I took beef curry (tasty....yum) with spaghetti. It's an odd combination but they said that it was the best noodle replace a Burmese noodle which they can't get here. We also had some chicken vegetable's sssssssooooooo CHINESE!! Even my other Malaysian friends who went said so. We were pampered guests...tea, chocolates, cake, crackers and also offere ice-cream but we all decline the very very generous offer. hehe. There was fried rice, fried toufu with peas and egg curry.

After lunch, we had a little chat. Actually, we have little chats the whole time through (hehe). So, I should be saying after lunch, we had a chat. HAHA! talked about all sorts of know, girls stuff. But I can't say that because there was a guy there.

Ok, the conversation was stopped and we went back to the books. MUST CONCENTRATE!!!! FIRST PAPER STARTS ON MONDAY!!!! We studied for another 2 hours or so and it was dinner time. lol!!! that's all we think of...FOOD!!! We were served the same dishes but this time I ate beef curry with rice (both white rice and fried rice). Wow...we were really pampered. after eating, it was already 6.45 and one of my friends needed to go to the doctors...she needed to get an injection done. so, we quickly finished up the last topic of the subject. All in all, we manage to study 3 topics (out of 5). I suppose we achieved quite a lot. hehe....

Jasmine's Mom let us take back some sweet...And we left at about 7.30. This time, her Dad fetched us all home...all the way to our door step. again, sssssooooo ssssssssswwwweeeetttttt.............. =D

NOW, I'm happily blogging.

ok, I'm done. Just wanted to put up a quick update before I get back to studying.


ps: to all my friends who are sitting for exams, GOOD LUCK!!!! Jasmine and family, thanks a MILLION for the wonderful hospitality.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Today, 5 of my friends and I played badminton for 3 hours!! so syok... ^^

If you remembered, the last time I played badminton, I accidentally threw the racquet on to the floor and it broke. This time, the racquet slipped out of my hand again but it didn't break. Luckily...because it was one of my friend's racquet. the one that i broke belongs to the recreation centre, so it's ok to break it =P la...they did say that breaking the racquets is not an unusual thing (a relief on my part).

I practiced my smashes and blocks with Jon. hehe...he represented his school once. so, had a 'training' session with him. so fun =D I think because we played for so long and i had a 'training' session, that is i exerted a lot of energy, i've got a headache now. well, not really a headache but my head feels heavy. oh, don't worry. i get that all the time if i'm too active. say, if i've got a full day of school and then extra activities (tuition, club meeting, etc)...all needing a lot of thinking (keke) and may be quite a bit of energy, i'll get a headache by the time i get home at night.

after that, we went out for lunch. by the way,we played from 9-12 noon. well, i took a snack because i've got curry at home. hehe ^^ although it's left overs from yesterday's lunch, it's still yummy tasting curry............the rest had their lunch.

overall, the session this morning was very nice. sweat quite a bit considering that it is winter. yeah, burnt some calories ;-)

I'll do this again in a heart beat (extend to 4 hours - LOL! - siao!).

Thursday, May 31, 2007

today is an interesting day

I missed the bus in the morning. so, i into class about 10mins late. but the interesting part is that i opened the door to the lecture hall and i saw this foreign lecturer and the whole hall was dark. so i thought, the wrong class. then i received an sms from my friend saying that when i reach uni, i'll find the hall dark and i should grab a pair of 3D glasses up in front of the hall. so, i was like...OH! i DIDN'T go into the wrong class! then, i entered the class. we were learning the different types of microscopes and we were also shown a few 3D pictures of microorganisms. so cool!

next interesting!

I followed a couple of friends for their 10. well, probably more of breakfast. anyway, i was treated to my new found favourite chocolate snack bar! (but i never had a favourite snack bar in the first place) It has caramel, biscuit and choc coating. the caramel is like really smooth and not the super sweet kind. wah...heavenly man...HAHA! but yeah....THANKS, JASMINE!!! hehe ^^ interesting thing is not really a 'happy' interesting event. I had my first practical exam at 2 today. the exam structure was 20 stations/stops and we were all given 4 minutes to complete each station. Each station has a small set of questions. it could be calculations, graph or just short answers. It went ok............................................but right after the exam, i realised that i answered a whole station's questions wrong. argh! oh well, hopefully that's just the ONLY one.

after that, we've got another lecture at 4 but only to brief us on the exam. we finished in 10 mins!!! so, lepak lah... hehe. i went to the library lounge with a few of my friends. talked there. yup, the library has a lounge. it's so cool. that's the only place in the library where we can bring food in. there's all the sofas and a few coffee tables or look-a-likes. oh man! should have taken a picture and post it. next time, next time. (post title: My university - LOL!)

then had another lecture. (yup, thursdays are packed) but this lecture wasn't that interesting. I couldn't understand, partly because i didn't do my pre-readings. hehe. we finished half an hour usual. so, catched the earliest bus back. Oh, this time, i caught one of the "long" buses. hehe...the one with 2 parts. the previous times i went on those kind of buses, i always sat in front. this time, i sat in the second compartment. it was kinda cool to see the centre part or the joint of the bus move when the bus made turns. but other than being fascinated by the structure of the bus, it was nothing.

then, for dinner, entertained a couple of my neighbours (and of course my sister). I was assigned to cook cabbage...any cabbage dish, just to finish up the cabbage before it get rotten. guess what. i burnt it. yup, the day when i've guests over, i nicely burnt the cabbage. LUCKILY, the burnt taste wasn't overwhelming and the cabbage was actually sweet (btw, i like the cabbages here). so, overall, it was a pleasant dinner.

so, that's it for "interesting day". the last interesting thing i did today is to come up with this almost senseless blog. hehe. I'm too free and i've been feeling hyper. yups!

c ya!!!