Saturday, June 16, 2007

some long over due photos

Hey, these are a few OLD pictures which i tried to post on friendster blog...BUT due to the fact that it didn't allow me to allign my photos, it wouldn't look nice on the blog, i just didn't post any photos.

new photos should be on the way...but slowly wait la. hehe. i'd have to take some in the first place! keke
The only pictures I have taken in Australia are all pictures taken in April. so, the following are some April photos. haha!

sorry...this picture is blur. anyhow, this is my cell group who went for Easter camp

Now this is my Easter camp group picture =D

This is me on a platform on Frementle beach...I'm suppose to look like I'm going to commit suicide. Apparently not.

Playing some ball game on Frementle beach

My sister and me after her awards ceremony night...hehe...wearing my new trench coat ^^
(By the way, this picture was not taken in April but in May. teehee)

That's all for now. Toodles!!

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