Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Are you Australian???

TAKE THE TEST IS YOU DARE.....................
Define the following terms and post it on the comments section. I'll give you your score ;-)
  1. Garbo, garbologist
  2. Greenie
  3. Gyno
  4. Journo
  5. Milko
  6. Polly
  7. Postie
  1. Freo
  2. Kindie
  3. Maccas (pron. "mackers")
  4. O.S.
  5. Oz
  6. Rotto
  7. Servo
  8. Subi
  1. Arvo
  2. Aussie salute
  3. Barbie
  4. Bathers
  5. Bikkie
  6. Bloke
  7. Chrissie
  8. Cuppa
  9. Cactus
  10. Docket
  11. Footy
  12. Full
  13. G'day
  14. Good onya
  15. Grog
  16. Holy dooley!
  17. Hooroo
  18. Hoon
  19. Lollies
  20. Mate
  21. Moolah
  22. Mozzie
  23. No worries
  24. Nuddy, in the
  25. Porky
  26. Prezzy
  27. Reckon
  28. Rego
  29. Salvos
  30. Stubbie
  31. Sheila
  32. Snag
  33. Sunnies
  34. Thongs
  35. Trackies
  36. True blue
  37. Tucker
  38. Ta
  39. Ute
  40. Waggin' school
  41. Whacker, whacka
  42. Woop Woop
  43. Wuss
  44. Yonks
  45. Yabber

Okay. There are 60 questions. Grading system:

0-10 : Totally not Australian

10-20 : Good knowledge of the Australian slang

20-30 : Very knowledge of the Australian slang

30-40 : You've lived here for quite awhile (PR)...Go travel!

40-60 : You can be a "citizen" or a slang expert.


~luckystar~ said...

postie- postman?
freo- fremantle lor..
maccas- mcdonalds right?
Oz- aussie?
subi- subiaco
heard of arvo but forgot liao..
barbie- bbq
bikkie sounds like bikini..hehe..
lollies- sweets?
mate- friend?
hahaha.. sure fail..
no worries- u're welcome??
sunnies- sunglasses
thongs- slippers?
ta- tq

Anonymous said...

wah...not bad ah, luckystar ;-)

U've got everything correct except for bikkie, no worries (nice try but still wrong) and Oz (not quite right)

I'll post the answers some other time ^^

Anonymous said...

I dun have to answer anything. Cause.. I don't know any of them? Maybe I can do all the silly wild guesses. Here goes.

Garbo, garbologist - garbage man
Greenie - lawn mower
Gyno - researcher on herbivorous dinosaurs(g for green vegetables and "yno" for "dino". Get it?)
Journo - Writer
Milko - Cows(What, they give milk. It's an occupation!)
Polly - Parrot! No, no! Parrot tutor for English like how Robinson Crusoe did and his parrot said, "Poll, pretty poll!!" right right?
Postie - ..prostitude? Ew, that's sick, how could you?!

Freo - Free Oreo Booth
Kindie - Kindergarten
Maccas (pron. "mackers") - small fish habitat. You know, mackeral.
O.S. - Computer store that sells Mac O.S.
Oz - A yellow brick road
Rotto - Dog pound
Servo - Service tax payment booth
Subi - Japanese restaurant

Arvo - Rover
Aussie salute - Look at your next post up there lah. Like that oso dunno.
Barbie - A baby with no hair. Like how I cut my barbie doll's hair. Except that the baby's hair will grow back.
Bathers - Swimmers
Bikkie - Cookie
Bloke - Oh, oh, the Croc Hunter always says this one! Is it like a guy or fella?
Chrissie - Cat
Cuppa - Coffee
Cactus - Someone annoying
Docket - Doctor who cheats people for their money and puts the money in his pocket.
Footy - Like you lah. Bad feet.
Full - Satiated.
G'day - Selamat siang
Good onya - Good weather
Grog - Dizzy
Holy dooley! - Very nice donkeys
Hooroo - A steam powered train
Hoon - The roof of a car
Lollies - Men's private part. Really sounds like it. Sorry.
Mate - Dude
Moolah - Some seafood
Mozzie - Mozarella cheese, duh
No worries - Don't worry, be happy. I'll give you my number, you call me if you worry, okay? Oh wait, you DO have my number.
Nuddy, in the - Noddy in the bucket
Porky - Pork! Roasted pork! Oh yay!
Prezzy - Present
Reckon - suspect
Rego - lego, DUH
Salvos - salvage
Stubbie - stump
Sheila - a girl
Snag - snatch
Sunnies - the yellow part of an egg
Thongs - underwear, of course
Trackies - shoe soles
True blue - sea
Tucker - doctor
Ta - Hwang Ta from Flower Drum Song, DUH
Ute - Flute
Waggin' school - Lazy to study
Whacker, whacka - Mentally unstable
Woop Woop - Woot woot?
Wuss - Ah, I know this one. Never really knew the meaning though. Something like.. picky, jerk, some negative characteristic of a person e.g. "Don't be such a wuss!"
Yonks - Brain
Yabber - Ranting

Anonymous said...

ym: your score is 9 out of 60
jie is also bad hor? kekekeke...

anyway, it was very very entertaining to read what you think the slangs actually meant.

I'd be posting the answers soon...since there's no feedback =S

tell mummy n daddy to try!

muax muax!!

Anonymous said...

Garbo = Studies garbage
Greenie = Loves to plant/loves plants
Gyno = ?gaenocologist? how you spell that?
Journo = Journalist
Milko = Milkman
Polly = ??? Parrot caretaker?
Postie = Wait Mr Postman

Freo = ???
Kindie = Kintergarden
Maccas = ???
O.S. = ???
Oz = Wizard of Oz
Rotto = ???
Servo = ???
Subi = ???

Arvo = ???
Aussie Salute = Har?
Barbie = Girl who dress up like barbies :S
Bathers = Something about drenching
Bikkie = Sounds familiar....
Bloke = Ah, something like homeless man or something?
Chrissie = ???
Cuppa = coffee -_-
Cactus = Oi, so duh, Cactus lar
Docket = The bill thingy
Footy = Something with feet
Full = Full with food?
G'day = Good day greeting
Good Onya = Good on you
Grog = Groggy
Holy Dooley! = Holy ****
Hooroo = Who Kangaroo?
Hoon = ???
Lollies = Lollipop
Mate = Buddy/Partner
Moolah = Mo-nay! (money)
Mozzie = ???
No worries = uh? no problem?
Nuddy, in the = IN THE NUDE :O
Porky = Large/Fat
Prezzy = Pretzel? President?
Reckon = Suppose/Assume
Rego = Lego?
Salvos = Bunches or something like that.
Stubbie = Hit toe on something
Sheila = ???
Snag = Hooked/caught
Sunnies = Happy/FriedEgg
Thongs = This is a woman's thang
Trackies = Trek pants?
True Blue = Sounds like a trend
Tucker = John Tucker Must Die
Ta = Ya?
Ute = What?
Waggin' School = Lepak/Skip school
Whacker, whacha = Beat/Pukul
Woop Woop = Woof/wOOt/Yay!
Wuss = Coward
Yonks = sounds familiar...
Yabber = Jabber? Yak? Chatterbox?

Anonymous said... iz gn...not bad at all



impressed... ^^

Anonymous said...

Weh, can PM(private message) me onot which ones I guessed correct? I'm interested to know lah haha. When sarcasm becomes real. My sarcasm being the actual real meaning.

Anonymous said...

I was tempted to try this.. :)

1. Davo - David

1. Garbo - Garbageman
2. Greenie - Environmentalist
3. Gyno - Gynecologist
4. Journo - Journalist
5. Milko - Milkman
6. Polly - Politician
7. Postie - Postman


1. Freo - Fremantle
2. Kindie - Kindergarten
3. Maccas - Mcdonalds
4. O.S. - Overseas
5. Oz - Australia
6. Rotto - Rottingham
7. Servo -
8. Subi - Subiaco


1. Arvo - Afternoon
2. Aussie Salute - Aussie Aussie Aussie! oi! oi! oi!
3. Barbie - Barbeque
4. Bathers - Swimming Attire
5. Bikkie - Motocyclists
6. Bloke - Man
7. Chrissie - Woman
8. Cuppa - Coffee
9. Cactus - Type of Plant
10. Docket - Small piece of paper
11. Footy - Aussie Rules Football
12. Full - Not empty
13. G'day - Good Day, how are you doing?
14. Good onya - Good for you
15. Grog - Ugly
16. Holy dooley! - Wow
17. Hooroo - Hooray
18. Hoon - Reckless Driver
19. Lollies - Candy/Sweets
20. Mate - Friend
21. Moolah - Milkshake
22. Mozzie - Mosquito
23. No worries - No Problems
24. Nuddy, in the - Nude
25. Porky - Fat
26. Prezzy - Present
27. Reckon - Expect
28. Rego - Registration
29. Salvos - Salvation Army
30. Stubbie - Beer holder
31. Sheila - Woman
32. Snag - catch
33. Sunnies - Sunglasses
34. Thongs - Slippers
35. Trackies - tracksuit
36. True blue - original
37. Tucker - Greedy person
38. Ta - Good Bye
39. Ute - Utility Vehicle
40. Waggin' school - Pet school
41. Whacker, whacka - Crazy person
42. Woop Woop - Expression of satisfaction
43. Wuss - Coward
44. Yonks - Crazy person
45. Yabber - Person who talks too much

Anonymous said...

wah, David...very impressed.

44/61 (the first one is wrong =P)

spread the news ppl! Somebody's gotta beat David's score!!!

Anonymous said...

Garbo, garbologist - garbage collector?
Greenie - those kinda planters
Gyno - gynologist?
Journo - journalogist
Milko - milk man
Polly - the one who put the kettle on?
Postie - mail man?

Freo - fremantle
Kindie - kindergarden
Maccas (pron. "mackers") - macDs
O.S. - overseas
Oz - australia
Rotto - huh?
Servo - huh?
Subi - SUBiabco! :D

Arvo - afternoon
Aussie salute - swatting the flies
Barbie - bbq
Bathers - swimming costume
Bikkie - biscuit
Bloke - guy?
Chrissie - HUH?
Cuppa - cup of coffeeee
Cactus - a plant?
Docket - the "recipt?" (something along that line)
Footy - aussie football!
Full - huh?
G'day - good day aka hello?
Good onya - good on you
Grog - HUH?
Holy dooley! - i know the wriggles like to say this!
Hooroo - HUH?
Hoon - HUH?
Lollies - sweets!
Mate - guy?
Moolah - money?
Mozzie - the yucky flies!
No worries - its okay
Nuddy, in the - ?
Prezzy - pretzels? (how to spell!)
Reckon - think
Rego - registeration
Salvos - salvation army
Stubbie - short
Sheila - girl
Snag - huh?
Sunnies - sunglasses!
Thongs - slippers
Trackies - its either sport shoe, or track pants.
True blue - 100% original
Tucker - food?
Ta - thank you!/please
Ute - somekinda car thingy??
Waggin' school - skipping school
Whacker, whacka - huh
Woop Woop - huh
Wuss - scaredy cat
Yonks - ages
Yabber - talk too much

Anonymous said...

garbo-talking trash?, trash collector?
gyno- qynaecologist?
journo- journalist???
postie-postman righttt
freo-er freethinker?? haha
maccas- er mackintosh
haha i'm soo gonna suck at this
o.s- overseas?
oz- er green ???
reckon- i guess
thongs- undies
g'day- greeting
porky- obese? haha
bathers-ppl who bathe?
bloke- guy
yabber- talk in some kinda way??
stubbie- ticket stub collector. stubble? erm hhaahahh i'm outta here