Monday, November 05, 2007

Finally...the answers

okies. sorry to the people who actually posted a comment, attempting to answers the australian slangs because I got lazy to count the score. hehe. so, nah! check for yourself. hehehehe.

Garbo, garbologist - municipal garbage collector
Greenie - Environmentalist
Gyno - Gynaecologist
Journo - Journalist
Milko - Milkman
Polly - Politician
Postie - Postman

Freo - Fremantle
Kindie - Kindergarten
Maccas (pron. "mackers") - McDonalds
O.S. - Overseas
Rotto - Rottnest Island
Servo - Petrol station (do you see any connection???? i don't quite see it...=/)
Subi - Subiaco

Arvo - Afternoon
Aussie salute - look at my last post
Barbie - not a barbie doll but a BBQ!!!
Bathers - Swim wear
Bikkie - Breakfast (amazing how they can come up with this, yes??)
Bloke - man, guy...
Chrissie - Christmas (huh???)
Cuppa - cup of coffee
Cactus - dead, not functioning (it sounds like some code name for it)
Docket - receipt/bill
Footy - Australian's a weird game...look it up.
Full - not eat full, full but it's DRUNK!
G'day - good day
Good onya - good on expression when you do something great like you pass your driving test!!! (yup, i just passed mine this morning)
Grog - beer/alcohol/liquor
Holy dooley! - an expression similar to..."Holy cow!"
Hooroo - good bye (I don't know how that became a good bye)
Hoon - in Malaysian terms, Mat Rempit
Lollies - sweets/candy
Mate - Friend
Moolah - money (yippee for my brother!!! he got this right ^^)
Mozzie - Mosquitoes
No worries - expression of forgiveness or reassurance, everything is alright
Nuddy, in the - in the nude
Porky - It can be a pig/pork but it's only related to's "pork lie" which means a lie!
Prezzy - present (i think i used to say that at one point of my
Reckon - in "I think..." = "I reckon..."
Rego - car registration
Salvos - Salvation Army
Stubbie - Bottle of beer
Sheila - woman (i hear this ob British shows, i think)
Snag - sausage!! (again, Aussie slang just leaves my amazed)
Sunnies - Sunglasses
Thongs - cheap rubber backless sandals
Trackies - track suit
True blue - patriotic (i heard of this before...quite often too)
Tucker - food...CAN YOU MAKE THE CONNECTION??????? sigh......
Ta - Thanks A lot...amazing right???
Ute - utility vehicle, pickup truck
Waggin' school - skipping school/playing truant
Whacker, whacka - Idiot; somebody who talks drivel; somebody with whom you have little patience; a dickhead
Woop Woop - invented name for any far-away town (eg, "he lives in Woop Woop")
Wuss - coward
Yonks - long time ago, ages
Yabber - talks a lot/chatter box

one word...


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