Thursday, November 29, 2007

my watch

bye bye my ever so faithful watch. it has met it's end of it's life...i don't mean that the battery died. if so, i wouldn't be so sad because for that situation, it can be fixed easily - just change the batteries la...aiyo...

anyways, my watch met it's doom one faithful day after work. if i remember correctly, it was a wednesday evening last week(how thoughtful of my watch to end it's life after the period I need it most). I came home and i took off my watch. then the strap came off. I thought,"oh! it's can be put back". Then, when i tried to fix it, the part where it holds the strap in place just broke off...more like it fell off. Then I thought, "oh man...I can't save it this time. oh no...I can't wear it anymore!"

well, there goes my beloved watch. I've been using the same watch for the past 10+ years!!!! 10 I tell you!!! That same watch...through thick and thin...all through Standard 4 till first year of uni...AND to think that I changed it's strap once and the batteries twice ( if i'm not mistaken) sigh...i'll have to get new one now.

can you see at the bottom right hand it's's like it's left leg got amputated :-(

Surviving without a watch for the past week! booyah! an achievement... waiting to go back to Ipoh to buy one ;-)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Kevin Rudd - mandarin???

Just yesterday Iris was telling me about Kevin Rudd (recently elected Prime Minister of Australia) speaking FLUENT mandarin...notice the emphasis on the word fluent...

Anyway, I was in shock and decided to check it out on youtube since she said that she watched on youtube. guess what?!?!?! IT'S TRUE!!! Wow...from that time onwards, i really felt like an ang mo/banana. Gave me the determination to improve my mandarin. keke...

here...for all of you who don't believe to watch.

p.s.: He was so showing off, don't you think so? kekekeke

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Drum solo


the fellar is like so small yet so hebat! (from a non-drum educated person)

this this!!!! even cuter!!!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Finally...the answers

okies. sorry to the people who actually posted a comment, attempting to answers the australian slangs because I got lazy to count the score. hehe. so, nah! check for yourself. hehehehe.

Garbo, garbologist - municipal garbage collector
Greenie - Environmentalist
Gyno - Gynaecologist
Journo - Journalist
Milko - Milkman
Polly - Politician
Postie - Postman

Freo - Fremantle
Kindie - Kindergarten
Maccas (pron. "mackers") - McDonalds
O.S. - Overseas
Rotto - Rottnest Island
Servo - Petrol station (do you see any connection???? i don't quite see it...=/)
Subi - Subiaco

Arvo - Afternoon
Aussie salute - look at my last post
Barbie - not a barbie doll but a BBQ!!!
Bathers - Swim wear
Bikkie - Breakfast (amazing how they can come up with this, yes??)
Bloke - man, guy...
Chrissie - Christmas (huh???)
Cuppa - cup of coffee
Cactus - dead, not functioning (it sounds like some code name for it)
Docket - receipt/bill
Footy - Australian's a weird game...look it up.
Full - not eat full, full but it's DRUNK!
G'day - good day
Good onya - good on expression when you do something great like you pass your driving test!!! (yup, i just passed mine this morning)
Grog - beer/alcohol/liquor
Holy dooley! - an expression similar to..."Holy cow!"
Hooroo - good bye (I don't know how that became a good bye)
Hoon - in Malaysian terms, Mat Rempit
Lollies - sweets/candy
Mate - Friend
Moolah - money (yippee for my brother!!! he got this right ^^)
Mozzie - Mosquitoes
No worries - expression of forgiveness or reassurance, everything is alright
Nuddy, in the - in the nude
Porky - It can be a pig/pork but it's only related to's "pork lie" which means a lie!
Prezzy - present (i think i used to say that at one point of my
Reckon - in "I think..." = "I reckon..."
Rego - car registration
Salvos - Salvation Army
Stubbie - Bottle of beer
Sheila - woman (i hear this ob British shows, i think)
Snag - sausage!! (again, Aussie slang just leaves my amazed)
Sunnies - Sunglasses
Thongs - cheap rubber backless sandals
Trackies - track suit
True blue - patriotic (i heard of this before...quite often too)
Tucker - food...CAN YOU MAKE THE CONNECTION??????? sigh......
Ta - Thanks A lot...amazing right???
Ute - utility vehicle, pickup truck
Waggin' school - skipping school/playing truant
Whacker, whacka - Idiot; somebody who talks drivel; somebody with whom you have little patience; a dickhead
Woop Woop - invented name for any far-away town (eg, "he lives in Woop Woop")
Wuss - coward
Yonks - long time ago, ages
Yabber - talks a lot/chatter box

one word...


Friday, November 02, 2007


ARGH!!! terrible week!!!!!!!!
I failed in so many things!!!!
failed my driving test
fail 2 papers
failed to abide by the traffic rules
will not mention anymore...too saddening

Gotcha! I can so imagine my parents' eyes opening wide and having the urge to pick up the phone to call me. LOL!

The truth is..................

I only failed my driving test which I took on the 31st Oct morning. Did a few mistakes. The testers here are so much better/fair than the ones in Malaysia or shall I just say Ipoh. Although their strict, you know that there's a standard that must be met to actually get your lisence. It's good! In Ipoh, you can *ahem* bribe the testers to ensure that you will pass. I was told by a friend that her tester actually slept in the car the whole way through her test! By the way, she passed. That's so unfair, hey! But then, good on her cause she actually did well.
My mistakes:-
  1. Did not look back while reversing (quite a lot of marks were deducted as I reversed alot)
  2. Did not look at my blind spot when the lanes were merging (I didn't see/there actually wasn't any marks on the road showing that the lanes were merging)
  3. and I didn't follow instruction - missed a turning (well, more like I didn't understand what the fellar was telling me to do!)

Other than those mistakes, I did well ^^ I failed by one mark...that makes it more frustrating. And it's so painful to the wallet to pay for another test...$71.80. SIGH....

The other thing that is true is that I(more like a group of us) failed to abide by the traffic rules. It happened on a Tuesday night. It was already dark and we (Lawrence-the driver, Da Yong, Derek, Fei, Xin Ying and me) were heading home from a game of badminton. Now, it is illegal to travel in a 5 seater car with 6 people inside. If caught, we could be fined $250. Along the way, we saw light flashing. It was a road block! "Oh no!" we thought. All the cursing starting to come out...just joking...there was no cursing what-so-ever ^^ Lawrence then said, "someone quickly hide!" Then another person blurted out saying to jump out of the car. Now, if you're the kind of person who can think under pressure, you'd know that that is a stupid idea since the police would suspect something. Anyway, one person at the back seat actually opened the door. Names shall not be mentioned but you can go ask the person if you know any of them who actually opened the door. And you know, as you open the door, the car lights on the inside lit. So, there's a possibility that the police/people outside saw the insides of the car...thus, knowing that there are 4 people in the back seat. Boy, was that an adrenaline rush! But all was well, it was just a breath test and Lawrence tried very hard to stick his head out of his window so that the police would not need to peak inside. After everything ended, we all had a good laugh about it. ^^

About failing tests...I didn't fail any one of them. But I did do not as good as I would like to in some of them. Some were really good. Whatever it is the end result that counts ;-)

Ok. that's all for this week. If I remember something else, I'll be sure to blog about it (if it's interesting enough to tell the world. hehe)

till next time!